
Western States Decision Support Group

An information-sharing network for behavioral health data and evaluation professionals

Since 1985, the Western States Decision Support Group (WSDSG) has served as an information-sharing network and collaboration group for behavioral health data and evaluation staff and managers from WICHE states and territories. WSDSG members participate in quarterly conference calls to discuss emerging issues in behavioral health data collection, reporting, and system evaluation. The BHP also organizes an annual meeting with training and presentations for WSDSG members to stay apprised of developments and best practices in the field of behavioral health data and evaluation. A Steering Committee of WSDSG members provides leadership for planning WSDSG activities. Additionally, Work Groups provide opportunities for targeted collaboration and collective action in response to emergent and timely issues in behavioral health data collection and reporting.

Funding is based on an annual membership fee.

For more information, please contact:

Tonya Horn

Director of Program Evaluation and Research



Thomas Barrett

Senior Consultant, Behavioral Health Program



Caitlyn Grubb

Program Evaluation and Research Coordinator, Behavioral Health Program

