
WRGP Frequently Asked Questions

The Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) allows graduate certificate, master’s and Ph.D. students who are residents of WICHE states to enroll in hundreds of graduate programs at 60+ public institutions in the West—and pay up to 150 percent of resident tuition, rather than nonresident tuition (sometimes 300 percent higher). The average student saves an estimated $13,961 per year in tuition, depending on the enrolling institution and the graduate program. The participating universities typically offer a limited number of graduate programs at the WRGP rateNot all graduate programs are eligible. 

If you’re a resident of one of WICHE’s member states or eligible Pacific Island jurisdiction (American Samoa, CNMI, and Guam), you may be eligible for reduced tuition at 60+ participating WRGP universities. Apply directly to the university’s graduate school. Contact them for eligibility requirements for your specific program. Check the WRGP Graduate Savings Finder for details.

 WRGP institutions can charge up to 150 percent of resident tuition but most charge resident tuition. Note that tuition for specialized graduate programs may be higher than the university’s standard resident tuition rate. Program fees vary and are in addition to WRGP tuition. Verify actual costs with the bursar’s or admissions offices. To receive the WRGP rate, you must meet the university’s requirements (eligible program, application deadlines, academic eligibility, residency, etc.). Here are some examples of how tuition is calculated: 

Example 1: If the resident tuition rate at “Best Western University” where you are enrolling is $10,000, and their WRGP tuition is equivalent to resident tuition, then you pay $10,000. If you had to pay the full nonresident rate, you would pay $20,000, so you are saving $10,000 per year!

Example 2: Let’s say you’ve enrolled at Super West University, where their WRGP tuition rate is 125 percent of their resident tuition; if their resident tuition is $10,000, then you’d pay $12,500 as a WRGP student, instead of $20,000.


Check the WRGP Graduate Savings Finder for a full list of the 60+ public WICHE-region universities participating in WRGP and for the specific graduate programs that each university has made eligible for the WRGP tuition rate. Private institutions are not eligible to participate.

Each participating university decides which graduate programs it will offer at the resident tuition rate, and how many WRGP tuition rate seats it will make available for each program. Check the WRGP Graduate Savings Finder to see if the graduate program you’re considering is eligible. The university’s graduate school determines which graduate programs can participate.

No. The reduced WRGP tuition rate is not automatically awarded to all eligible candidates. Even if you meet the university’s WRGP admissions criteria (which may be more rigorous than its admissions criteria for resident applicants), there are no guarantees. Many institutions limit the number of new WRGP awards each academic year, so apply early and be sure to request the WRGP rate when you apply for admission.

Yes, but the majority of eligible programs are on campus delivery. Check the WRGP Graduate Savings Finder to see which ones are offered online at the WRGP rate. Important: Some programs are “hybrid” and periodically require students to be present on campus for a few days/weeks each term. If you’re place-bound and can only consider fully online programs, research the offerings in detail to make sure that all of the required coursework is available 100 percent online and at the WRGP tuition rate.

Check in directly with the university’s graduate school. WICHE does not process student applications, so we can’t tell you whether or not you’ve been awarded the WRGP tuition rate. WICHE’s role in WRGP is to administrate it broadly in partnership with member states and cooperating public universities.

Yes, many cap the number of WRGP awards they issue each year. Apply for the WRGP discount as early as possible.

Probably. Most schools require that you apply for WRGP by (if not before) standard pre-term admission deadlines. Though it’s unlikely they would grant you the discount post-enrollment, you can contact the relevant office at your university to see if it’s possible. Check the WRGP Savings Finder for WRGP contact information for the university where you’re enrolling.

No. WRGP exclusively serves the WICHE region of 16 Western U.S. state and territories, but the other regional interstate compacts in the Midwest, the South, or the Northeast may be able to fill your needs.

Students are often approached to register to vote on campus. Everyone should exercise their right to vote, but WUE and WRGP students attending school outside of their home state should proceed with caution if asked to register to vote on their school campus.

Maintain residency ties to your home state and plan well in advance of an election.  Students are encouraged to register to vote by absentee mail ballot in their home state.  Registering to vote in your school state (not your home state) could have serious ramifications for your WUE or WRGP discounted tuition support, especially if you might apply for PSEP support in the future, or are currently a PSEP student.  Before registering to vote (or changing your driver’s license, filing to pay state taxes, etc.) in your school state, seek sound advice from your home state office so that you don’t create unintended consequences in your future. Your safest option: Vote in your home state by absentee mail ballot.