The WRGP Savings Finder houses profiles of all WRGP-eligible universities and graduate programs, tuition savings, and more. To begin your WRGP journey, click below to search by state, graduate program, and other parameters.
Increase WRGP odds with foresight and follow-through
Congratulations! Finding this increases your odds of finding your perfect Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) match and saving an average of $13,961 on tuition on 2,000+ graduate certificate, master’s, and doctoral programs in the Western U.S.
To Increase Your Odds Further:
Be Sure You’re Eligible.
- Be a resident of a WICHE member state or territory.
- Plan your graduate study at a public university in another of WICHE’s 16 states and territories.
- Ensure your chosen school offers the program you want. Not all programs at each institution are eligible. Check the WRGP Savings Finder to see which schools offer which graduate degrees or certificate programs to nonresidents at 150 percent or less of the resident tuition rate.
- Meet your chosen graduate program’s admissions criteria. Along with that program’s typical admissions standards, some require WRGP students to also meet additional criteria, or limit the number of WRGP students they annually admit.
Know these application tips.
- Apply directly to the university’s graduate school. WICHE itself does not accept applications and is not part of your admissions process. All admissions and WRGP award decisions are made by the university’s graduate school.
- Indicate your interest in receiving the WRGP rate in your application. The university’s graduate school’s admissions office handles WRGP requests.
- Apply early. Some universities set earlier deadlines for WRGP applications and/or limit the number of WRGP awards. Check the WRGP Savings Finder to find out more information.
Don’t quit once you’re in.
- Confirm all requirements directly with your WRGP school.
- Keep all WRGP award correspondence to verify your award and eligibility.
- Study hard: Retain good academic standing to continue receiving the WRGP tuition rate. Some schools do not extend WRGP rates beyond a standard graduation interval for that program.
Still have questions?
- Contact the graduate program’s admissions office if your question is about admission, eligibility, or other aspects of your chosen school’s decision-making process. Or check the school’s WRGP Savings Finder profile or website: many questions can be answered there.
- Review the WRGP FAQ for answers to general questions that are about a specific school.
- Contact us if you still have questions.