
PSEP: For Students

Jump-start your healthcare career

The Professional Student Exchange Program (PSEP) can save students $36,500 to $142,800 over the duration of professional health care degree studies. The four steps below can help participants find programs and apply for PSEP tuition support. 

  1. Does your state participate? 12 WICHE states and Pacific island jurisdictions fund their aspiring health care professionals through PSEP. Though WICHE members California, Idaho, Oregon, South Dakota, and Washington do not fund out-of-state study through PSEP, health care programs located in some of those states may enroll nonresident students through PSEP. 
  2. Meet your state or territory’s residency requirements. While some states require one year of residency to qualify, others require more. See this page for details and contact info for your home state or territory office.
  3. Complete your home state or territory’s PSEP application by October 15 the year before your expected enrollment.  You will need to assemble proof of residency, which may take a few weeks (notarized materials required in some states). Maximize your chances and apply early.
    IMPORTANT:  Though some
    states accept late applications, these are considered onlyafter eligible on-time applicants receive awards. Vet med applicants are strongly encouraged (and in Montana, required) to apply by September 1. Nevada’s application timeline varies; check their website.
  4. Apply to your chosen PSEP program(s) by your discipline’s national application deadline.

Important tips for students

Before you’re in:

  • Be aware that PSEP competition can be fierce: Even if you meet state/territory eligibility criteria, you may not receive PSEP tuition support. If your home state’s/territory’s budget for new students is limited and applicant demand is high, WICHE may rank applicants with offers to determine which ones will be offered funding first. See how PSEP applicants are selected here.
  • Check state payback-obligation rules: Because states use PSEP to grow their workforce in a healthcare discipline, they often require PSEP graduates to return to practice in their home state for a number of years. Read your state’s PSEP application info and payback-obligation requirements.
  • Forward copies of all admissions offers you receive to your state’s or territory’s PSEP representative as you receive them, and let them know which offer you plan to accept. Promptly and formally decline all other admission offers directly with the admitting school(s).
  • If you’re awarded PSEP support but choose to decline admission, contact your state/territory office immediately. Another deserving student can use that assistance.

Once you’re in:

  • Contact your PSEP program to determine your post-award tuition balance.
    • Students enrolling in a private program pay full private tuition, minus their PSEP award.
    • Students enrolling in a public program are typically charged the program’s resident tuition rate (and the enrolling program keeps the PSEP funds). If the PSEP award does not fully cover the resident/nonresident tuition gap, you’ll be charged nonresident tuition, minus the PSEP award amount. 
  • Note that your PSEP award amount may change during your enrollment. Check here to see how much your award is worth for the current academic year.
  • Maintain full-time status and remain in good academic standing. If you are placed on academic probation or take a leave of absence, contact your state/territory office immediately to petition for continued PSEP support.
  • Maintain your home state/territory residency. Failure to do so may jeopardize your continued support. Check with your home state/territory office about their requirements to maintain proof of residency through the duration of your studies.
  • Notify your state/territory PSEP office of any contact info changes as they occur. Most states/territory require you sign a contract for your first year of supportMany require annual contract renewals through graduation. Respond promptly to all correspondence from your state office. Your funding may be suspended or discontinued if you fail to respond.

Benefited from PSEP?