Recent legislative and board activity in 14 of the 15 WICHE states are summarized in this report. Appropriations to higher education increased in most states, with growth ranging from .46 percent in Washington to 16.2 percent in Wyoming. Budget share for higher education declined in Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah, while Alaska, Arizona, California, South Dakota, Washington and Wyoming reported an increase. With the exception of California, the states reported tuition increases at four-year institutions, with resident undergraduates paying from 2.5 to 14.4 percent more in fall 2002. Tuition increases ranged from .13 to 14.3 percent for two-year students in the states. Nonresidents will generally see increases as well across the region. Colorado is moving toward a voucher system to finance students entering higher education institutions. Major issues were access, financial aid, nursing, governance, accountability, and P-16. Financial aid concerns in California focused on timely distribution of Cal Grant scholarships to low-income students, while Washington increased need-based aid funding and reduced support for the Promise Scholarship. Governance and planning issues emerged in California, Hawaii, and Nevada through strategic planning activities and in Oregon through the institutions’ request for greater flexibility within the system.