2023 Alliance Annual Meeting – Call for Proposals

  • Year Published : 2023
  • Month Published : February
  • Media Type : pdf

The Western Alliance of Community College Academic Leaders (Alliance) is an interstate membership group of higher education leaders at two-year institutions based in the West. Roughly 60 chief academic officers at WICHE-region college and technical schools and related systems offices and state agencies gather each year for the Alliance annual meeting. This highly rated, intimate annual meeting leads to constant idea generation around pressing issues while also facilitating professional development.

The focus of the 2023 Alliance Annual Meeting is about reframing the community college experience to better reflect the current reality and future of community colleges. Proposals should consider the overarching assumptions that are made about community college students, faculty, relationship to workforce, equity imperatives, and academic excellence, and what aspects of those topics can be analyzed for deeper understanding or unique framing.

Please submit a proposal by completing this form. If you have any questions about the process, please contact Sarah Leibrandt, sleibrandt@wiche.edu . Please visit the Alliance website for more information.

Download PDF

For media inquiries and photo requests, please contact:

Melanie Sidwell

Vice President, Communications

