Using Your Student’s Voices to Inform Your Learning Ecosystem
Hosted in partnership with Academic Partnerships. Through recent surveys, we know that the current generation of online students has specific needs when looking for, enrolling, and completing a program. According...
AI Ethics, Governance, Policy, and Practice in Higher Education: A Strategic Webcast for Leaders and Practitioners
Hosted in partnership with D2L. This insightful and comprehensive webcast delved into the critical intersection of AI ethics, governance, policy, and practice within the realm of higher education. In today’s...
Mile Higher Ed Podcast Episode 9
Listen to this podcast episode with Liliana Diaz Solodukhin hosted by the University of Denver as she joins Ph.D. candidate Casey McCoy-Simmons to talk about the benefits of OER...
Seismic Shifts in Distance Ed Regulations: Gauging Department of Education Rulemaking
Did you feel that quake? In its recent rulemaking, the U.S. Department of Education proposed major changes that will cause institutions to check how the shifting sands will affect...
Accessibility in EdTech: How Do Your Products Rate?
Hosted in partnership with NWHeat Ensuring accessibility in digital learning products is essential to providing all learners with equal educational opportunities. This webcast provided an overview of a rubric designed...
RFP Info Session: Technology & Partnerships for Transfer Success
Please join us for an information session and to ask your questions about WICHE’s Request for Proposals for funds available to accredited colleges and universities partnering around shared transfer...
Do We Need a National Open Education Strategy? An “Open” Conversation
Open education has made remarkable progress, yet the evolving landscape continues to present challenges. As open education work continues to grow at institutions, in states, and across regions, questions...
Findings of the OER Course Marking Landscape Analysis Survey
The presentation will include an introduction to the work the Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC) and the National Consortium of Open Educational Resources (NCOER) have conducted recently related to...
Understanding College Mental Health Needs and Solutions in 2024
This 2-part webinar series addresses the current trends of mental health on college campuses and technology based options as a way to effectively address them. As colleges and universities...
EdTech Unleashed: Charting the Course for Higher Ed in 2024
This insightful and forward-looking webcast delved into the dynamic landscape of digital learning in higher education. Our panel of higher education leaders explored topics such as leadership changes and...