Legislative Advisory Committee Data Profiles
Select a state or territory using the dropdown menu below to view trends across key higher education topics. Hover over charts for more details. Included below is a list of resources, data sources, and publications highlighting key trends and COVID impacts on higher education.
Enrollment Trends
- National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Annual survey of all higher education institutions across a range of topics, including enrollments, finance, financial aid, and other relevant topics.
- National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. A series of key publications and research that support education, workforce, and learner success, including current term enrollment estimates through Fall 2021.
- WICHE’s Enrollment Dashboard. As part of WICHE’s Regional Fact Book for Higher Education in the West, this dashboard provides state-level detail across a range of enrollment data.
State Finance and Financial Aid
- State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO), State Higher Education Finance (SHEF) Report. An annual report of key metrics related to state funding of higher education and higher education revenue per student. Most recent report includes per-student funding data through FY 2020.
- Grapevine Compilation of State Fiscal Support for Higher Education. An annual survey of state fiscal support for higher education. Most recent survey includes total state support through FY 2021.
- National Association of State Student Grant & Aid Programs (NASSGAP) Annual Survey of State Financial Aid Programs. An annual survey of state-funded expenditures for postsecondary financial aid, including a breakdown of expenditures for both need- and non-need-based aid.
Tuition and Fees
- Tuition and Fees in Public Higher Education in the West. WICHE’s annual survey of public higher education institutions in the West that includes rates for resident and non-residents for both undergraduate and graduate students. In addition to the data report, tuition and fees rates can be viewed in an interactive Tableau dashboard.
- College Board Trends in College Pricing. A national report highlighting current prices and trends in college prices at public and private institutions in the United States.
FAFSA Completion
- National College Attainment Network (NCAN) FAFSA Tracker. An interactive dashboard from NCAN that provides up-to-date progress on states’ progress of FAFSA completions as well as comparing current progress to previous cycles.
Mental Health on Campus
- Healthy Minds Network Research on Adolescent and Young Adult Mental Health. An interdisciplinary research team focused on the mental health of young people. A co-collaborator on the recent research report, The Impact of COVID-19 on College Student Well-Being.
- Active Minds. A education, research, and advocacy group focused on changing the conversation about mental health of young adults. Conducted student surveys related to COVID impacts on mental health on college campuses.
- Center for Collegiate Mental Health. A multidisciplinary Practice-Research-Network focused on providing accurate and up-to-date information on the mental health of college students. Has an ongoing blog series related to their research on COVID impacts on collegiate mental health.