
High School Graduates by Race and Ethnicity

Underrepresented graduates by race and ethnicity continue to grow as a proportion of the total. This trend has been consistent since WICHE first produced projections by race and ethnicity and remains true in these projections. In particular, the future graduating classes will see higher proportions of Hispanic and Multiracial students.

How to Use This Data Visualization

This dashboard displays the share of public high school graduates by race and ethnicity, the number of graduates per race/ethnicity of the total student population, and change in the number of graduates over the projection period.

  • Use the icons to navigate through dashboard and the filter to adjust the view.
  • Click on a state on the circle map to update the state displayed on the line chart.
  • Selecting a race or ethnicity will update the data displayed on the bar chart.
  • Additional information can be found in the Technical Appendix and Data Sources and Notes