
COVID-19’s Impact on the Education Pipeline

The COVID-19 pandemic increased uncertainty but has modestly impacted the number of graduates (so far). The first graduating classes following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic do not appear to have been impacted substantially in number as they are quite close to previous projections. However, there is a decline in enrollments in earlier grades that produces slightly lower estimates of future graduating classes. The available information does not provide clear conclusions about what has happened to these students nor about whether the impacts have affected different student populations more than others.

How to Use This Data Visualizations

This dashboard compares the reported graduate counts from the 11th edition of Knocking at the College Door to the projected graduates from the 10th edition of Knocking, as well as recent enrollment data from grades one to 12.

  • Use the icons to navigate through the dashboard.
  • Select the filters to adjust the data displayed.
  • Hover over charts to see additional detail (best viewed on a tablet or desktop)
  • Additional information can be found in the Technical Appendix and Data Sources and Notes