
Resources on American Indian and Alaska Native Postsecondary Success

As part of the Native-Serving Institutions Initiative WICHE has compiled a wide variety of resources to help institutions create a culture in which American Indian and Alaska Native students can succeed.  When possible, we have included links to these resources.

Resources for Campus Diversity Efforts and Institutional Change (Guides and Websites)

Resources on Student Access to college (Reports and Articles):

Resources on Student Persistence in College (Reports and Articles):

Resources on Student Affairs/Academic Support Services (Reports and Articles):

  • Cajete, G. (2005). American Indian Epistemologies. In Fox, M.J.T, S.C. Lowe, & G.S. McClellan. (Eds). Serving Native American Students: New Directions for Student Services.  69-78. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Cech, E. A., Metz, A., Smith, J. L., & deVries, K. (2017). Epistemological Dominance and Social Inequality: Experiences of Native American Science, Engineering, and Health Students. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 42(5), 743–774.
  • Finley, A., & McNair, T. (2013). Assessing Underserved Students’ Engagement in High-Impact Practices. Includes an assessing equity in high-impact practices toolkit.
  • Tachine, A.R., Cabrera, N.L., & Yellow Bird, E. (2017). Home Away From Home: Native American Students’ Sense of Belonging During Their First Year in College, The Journal of Higher Education 88(5): 785-807.
  • Ward, C., Jones, K.W., Coles, R., Rich, L., Knapp, S., & Madsen, R. (2014). Mentored Research in a Tribal
  • College Setting: The Northern Cheyenne Case. Journal of Research in Rural Education 29 (3): 1.

Resources on Campus Climate and Institutional Research (Reports and Articles):

  • Akee, R.Q., & Yazzie-Mintz, T. (2011).  “Counting Experience” among the Least Counted: The Role of Cultural and Community Engagement on Educational Outcomes for American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Students. 35 (3): 119-150.
  • Lopez, J.D. (2017). Factors Influencing American Indian and Alaska Native Postsecondary Persistence: AI/AN Millennium Falcon Persistence Model. Research in Higher Education.  59 (6): 792-811.
  • Lopez, J.D., & Marley, S.C. (2018). Postsecondary Research and Recommendations for Federal Datasets with American Indians and Alaska Natives: Challenges and Future Directions.  Journal of American Indian Education.  57 (2): 5-34.
  • Lundberg, C.A. (2014). Institutional Support and Interpersonal Climate as Predictors of Learning for Native American Students. Journal of College Student Development 55 (3): 263-277.

Resources on Native Student Success in K-12 (Reports and Articles):

For more information, contact:

Suzanne Benally

Director, Native-Serving Institutions Initiative, Programs and Services



Jere Mock

Vice President, Programs and Services



Colleen Falkenstern

Director of Evidence and Strategic Initiatives

