
University of Alaska Fairbanks

Here at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, knowledge passes from one generation to the next, revolutionary ideas are thriving and students of all kinds can discover new paths. With undergraduates making up 89 percent of the total student body, you’ll be on the frontier of complex global issues, have access to world-class research and cutting-edge academics. With seven campuses across the state, we are home to more than 8,500 students from all over the world. Whether you’re looking for a greater sense of purpose or a true sense of belonging, the UAF community lives authentically, believing that life is what you make of it, that knowledge is indeed power. Welcome to the University of Alaska Fairbanks — it may feel like you’ve journeyed far, but in fact, this is where it all begins.

Interstate Passport

This example of a Passport Block was developed by faculty at University of Alaska Fairbanks. This member profile was developed as an example of how learning outcome-based transfer can be mapped onto a general education curriculum. The Interstate Passport program sunset at the end of 2023, and each member institution has different policies regarding their ongoing transfer relationships. The publication of their Passport Block is a part of the evergreen resources managed by WICHE to serve as an example and should not indicate any current or ongoing transfer relationships. For more information about transfer at University of Alaska Fairbanks please see their website at https://www.uaf.edu/uaf/.

Passport Block

Take one course from the list.

Courses in Oral Communication
Required Online Option Available Course Prefix Course Number Course Title
✔ COJO F121X Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
✔ COJO F131X Fundamentals of Oral Communication: Group Context
COJO F141X Fundamentals of Oral Communication: Public Context

Students must take WRTG F111X and one additional course from the list.

Courses in Written Communication
Required Online Option Available Course Prefix Course Number Course Title
✔ ✔ WRTG F111X Writing Across Contexts
✔ WRTG F211X Writing and the Humanities
✔ WRTG F212X Writing and the Professions
✔ WRTG F213X Writing and the Sciences
✔ WRTG F214X Arguing Across Contexts

Students must take one course from the list.

Courses in Quantitative Literacy
Required Online Option Available Course Prefix Course Number Course Title
✔ MATH F113X Numbers and Society
✔ MATH F114X Patterns and Society
✔ MATH F122X Essential Precalculus with Applications
✔ MATH F151X College Algebra for Calculus
✔ MATH F152X Trigonometry
✔ MATH F156X Precalculus
✔ MATH F230X Essential Calculus with Applications
✔ MATH F251X Calculus I
✔ MATH F252X Calculus II
✔ MATH F253X Calculus III
✔ STAT F200X Elementary Statistics

Take two courses from any of the lists below. Each course consists of a lecture and lab component.

Physical Sciences

Courses in Physical Sciences
Required Online Option Available Course Prefix Course Number Course Title
✔ ATM F101X Weather and Climate of Alaska
CHEM F103X Introduction to General Chemistry
✔ CHEM F105X General Chemistry I
CHEM F106X General Chemistry II
GEOG F111X Earth and Environment: Elements of Physical Geography
GEOS F101X The Dynamic Earth
GEOS F112X The History of Earth and Life
GEOS F120X Glaciers, Earthquakes and Volcanoes: Past, Present and Future
✔ PHYS F102X Energy and Society
PHYS F115X Physical Sciences
PHYS F123X College Physics I
PHYS F124X College Physics II
PHYS F165X Introduction to Astronomy
PHYS F211X General Physics I
PHYS F212X General Physics II
PHYS F213X Elementary Modern Physics

Life Sciences

Courses in Life Sciences
Required Online Option Available Course Prefix Course Number Course Title
✔ BIOL F100X Human Biology
✔ BIOL F103X Biology and Society
BIOL F104X Natural History of Alaska
✔ BIOL F111X Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL F112X Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL F115X Fundamentals of Biology I
BIOL F116X Fundamentals of Biology II
BIOL F120X Introduction to Human Nutrition
✔ CHEM F100X Chemistry in Complex Systems
CHEM F104X Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry

Life and Physical Sciences

Courses in Life and Physical Sciences
Required Online Option Available Course Prefix Course Number Course Title
CHEM F111X Introduction to Environmental Chemistry of the Arctic
GEOS F106X Life in the Age of Dinosaurs
✔ MSL F111X The Oceans

Take one course from the list. Additionally, students must take an additional course from either Human Cultures, Creative Expression, or Human Society and the Individual.


Courses in Human Cultures
Required Online Option Available Course Prefix Course Number Course Title
ANL F141X Beginning Dene/ Beginning Athabascan I
ANL F142X Beginning Dene/ Beginning Athabascan II
ANL F251X Introduction to Athabascan Linguistics
ANL F255X Introduction to Alaska Native Languages
ASLG F101X American Sign Language I
ASLG F202X American Sign Language II
CHNS F101X Elementary Chinese I
CHNS F102X Elementary Chinese II
✔ COJO F101X Media and Culture
COJO F102X Introduction to Broadcasting
✔ ENGL F270X Introduction to Creative Writing
✔ ENGL/FL F20oX World Literature
✔ FREN F101X Elementary French I
✔ FREN F102X Elementary French II
✔ GER F101X Elementary German I
✔ GER F102X Elementary German II
✔ INU F111X Elementary Inupiaq I
INU F112X Elementary Inupiaq II
JPN F101X Elementary Japanese I
JPN F102X Elementary Japanese II
✔ LAT F101X Beginning Latin I
✔ LAT F102X Beginning Latin II
LING F101X Nature of Language
LING F216X Languages of the World
✔ PHIL F102X Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL F104X Logic and Reasoning
RELG F221X Religions of the World
RUSS F101X Elementary Russian I
RUSS F102X Elementary Russian II
✔ SPAN F101X Elementary Spanish I
✔ SPAN F102X Elementary Spanish II
YUP F101X Elementary Central Yup’ik I
YUP F102X Elementary Central Yup’ik II

Take one course from the list. This course may double-count if it is taken to fulfill any one of the other categories.

Courses in Critical Thinking
Required Online Option Available Course Prefix Course Number Course Title
ANL F141X Beginning Dene/ Beginning Athabascan I
ANL F142X Beginning Dene/ Beginning Athabascan II
ANL F251X Introduction to Athabascan Linguistics
ANL F255X Introduction to Alaska Native Languages
✔ ANS F202X Aesthetic Appreciation of Alaska Native Performance
ANS/MUS/ACNS F223X Alaska Native Music
✔ ART F105X Beginning Drawing
✔ ART F200X Explorations in Art
✔ ART F261X History of World Art
✔ ART F262X History of World Art
ASLG F101X American Sign Language I
ASLG F202X American Sign Language II
✔ ATM F101X Weather and Climate of Alaska
✔ BIOL F100X Human Biology
✔ BIOL F103X Biology and Society
BIOL F104X Natural History of Alaska
✔ BIOL F111X Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL F112X Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL F115X Fundamentals of Biology I
BIOL F116X Fundamentals of Biology II
BIOL F120X Introduction to Human Nutrition
✔ CHEM F100X Chemistry in Complex Systems
CHEM F103X Introduction to General Chemistry
CHEM F104X Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
✔ CHEM F105X General Chemistry I
CHEM F106X General Chemistry II
CHEM F111X Introduction to Environmental Chemistry of the Arctic
✔ COJO F105X History of the Cinema
✔ COJO F121X Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
✔ COJO F131X Fundamentals of Oral Communication: Group Context
COJO F141X Fundamentals of Oral Communication: Public Context
FLPA F121X Fundamentals of Acting
✔ FLPA F200X Discovering Stage & Screen
✔ FLPA F215X Dramatic Literature and History
✔ FLPA F217X Introduction to the Study of Film
GEOG F111X Earth and Environment: Elements of Physical Geography
GEOS F101X The Dynamic Earth
GEOS F106X Life in the Age of Dinosaurs
GEOS F112X The History of Earth and Life
GEOS F120X Glaciers, Earthquakes and Volcanoes: Past, Present and Future
HUM F201X Unity in the Arts
✔ INU F111X Elementary Inupiaq I
INU F112X Elementary Inupiaq II
LING F101X Nature of Language
✔ MATH F113X Numbers and Society
✔ MATH F114X Patterns and Society
✔ MATH F122X Essential Precalculus with Applications
✔ MATH F151X College Algebra for Calculus
✔ MATH F152X Trigonometry
✔ MATH F156X Precalculus
✔ MATH F230X Essential Calculus with Applications
✔ MATH F251X Calculus I
✔ MATH F252X Calculus II
✔ MATH F253X Calculus III
✔ MSL F111X The Oceans
✔ MUS F103X Music Fundamentals
✔ MUS F125X Enjoying Jazz
✔ MUS F200X Explorations in Music
✔ PHIL F102X Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL F104X Logic and Reasoning
✔ PHYS F102X Energy and Society
PHYS F115X Physical Sciences
PHYS F123X College Physics I
PHYS F124X College Physics II
PHYS F165X Introduction to Astronomy
PHYS F211X General Physics I
PHYS F212X General Physics II
PHYS F213X Elementary Modern Physics
RELG F221X Religions of the World
✔ STAT F200X Elementary Statistics
✔ WRTG F111X Writing Across Contexts
✔ WRTG F211X Writing and the Humanities
✔ WRTG F212X Writing and the Professions
✔ WRTG F213X Writing and the Sciences
✔ WRTG F214X Arguing Across Contexts
YUP F101X Elementary Central Yup’ik I
YUP F102X Elementary Central Yup’ik II

Take one course from the list. Additionally, students must take an additional course from either Human Cultures, Creative Expression, or Human Society and the Individual.

Courses in Creative Expression
Required Online Option Available Course Prefix Course Number Course Title
✔ ANS F202X Aesthetic Appreciation of Alaska Native Performance
ANS/FLPA F161X Introduction to Alaska Native Performance
ANS/MUS/ACNS F223X Alaska Native Music
✔ ART F105X Beginning Drawing
✔ ART F200X Explorations in Art
✔ ART F261X History of World Art
✔ ART F262X History of World Art
✔ ENGL/FLPA/COJO F217X Introduction to the Study of Film
FLPA F121X Fundamentals of Acting
✔ FLPA F200X Discovering Stage & Screen
✔ FLPA F215X Dramatic Literature and History
✔ FLPA/COJO F105X History of the Cinema
HUM F201X Unity in the Arts
✔ MUS F103X Music Fundamentals
✔ MUS F125X Enjoying Jazz
✔ MUS F200X Explorations in Music

Students must take one course from the list and may be counted in another area.


Courses in Teamwork
Required Online Option Available Course Prefix Course Number Course Title
ANL F141X Beginning Dene/ Beginning Athabascan I
ANL F142X Beginning Dene/ Beginning Athabascan II
ANL F251X Introduction to Athabascan Linguistics
ANL F255X Introduction to Alaska Native Languages
ANS/MUS/ACNS F223X Alaska Native Music
ASLG F101X American Sign Language I
ASLG F202X American Sign Language II
✔ ATM F101X Weather and Climate of Alaska
✔ BIOL F100X Human Biology
BIOL F104X Natural History of Alaska
✔ BIOL F111X Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL F112X Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL F115X Fundamentals of Biology I
BIOL F116X Fundamentals of Biology II
BIOL F120X Introduction to Human Nutrition
✔ CHEM F100X Chemistry in Complex Systems
CHEM F103X Introduction to General Chemistry
CHEM F104X Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
✔ CHEM F105X General Chemistry I
CHEM F106X General Chemistry II
CHEM F111X Introduction to Environmental Chemistry of the Arctic
FLPA F121X Fundamentals of Acting
✔ FLPA F200X Discovering Stage & Screen
✔ FLPA F215X Dramatic Literature and History
✔ FLPA F217X Introduction to the Study of Film
✔ FREN F101X Elementary French I
✔ FREN F102X Elementary French II
GEOG F111X Earth and Environment: Elements of Physical Geography
GEOS F106X Life in the Age of Dinosaurs
GEOS F112X The History of Earth and Life
GEOS F120X Glaciers, Earthquakes and Volcanoes: Past, Present and Future
✔ GER F101X Elementary German I
✔ GER F102X Elementary German II
HUM F201X Unity in the Arts
✔ INU F111X Elementary Inupiaq I
INU F112X Elementary Inupiaq II
JPN F101X Elementary Japanese I
JPN F102X Elementary Japanese II
✔ LAT F101X Beginning Latin I
✔ LAT F102X Beginning Latin II
✔ MSL F111X The Oceans
✔ MUS F103X Music Fundamentals
✔ MUS F125X Enjoying Jazz
✔ MUS F200X Explorations in Music
✔ PHIL F102X Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL F104X Logic and Reasoning
✔ PHYS F102X Energy and Society
PHYS F115X Physical Sciences
PHYS F123X College Physics I
PHYS F124X College Physics II
PHYS F165X Introduction to Astronomy
PHYS F211X General Physics I
PHYS F212X General Physics II
PHYS F213X Elementary Modern Physics
RUSS F101X Elementary Russian I
RUSS F102X Elementary Russian II
✔ SPAN F101X Elementary Spanish I
✔ SPAN F102X Elementary Spanish II
✔ WRTG F111X Writing Across Contexts
YUP F101X Elementary Central Yup’ik I
YUP F102X Elementary Central Yup’ik II

Take one course from the list. Additionally, students must take an additional course from either Human Cultures, Creative Expression, or Human Society and the Individual.

Courses in Human Society
Required Online Option Available Course Prefix Course Number Course Title
✔ ACCT F261X Principles of Financial Accounting
✔ ANS F111X History of Colonization in Alaska: The Indigenous Response
✔ ANS F242X Indigenous Cultures of Alaska
✔ ANTH F100X Individual, Society and Culture
ANTH F101X Introduction to Anthropology
ANTH F111X Ancient Civilizations
ANTH F211X Fundamentals of Archaeology
✔ BA F151X Introduction to Business
BA F254X Personal Finance
✔ BA/SPRT F281X Introduction to Sport Management
✔ ECE F104X Child Development I: Prenatal, Infants and Toddlers
✔ ECON F100X Introduction to Economic Analysis
ECON F111X The Economy of Rural Alaska
✔ ECON F201X Principles of Economics I: Microeconomics
✔ ECON F202X Principles of Economics II: Macroeconomics
ECON F235X Introduction to Natural Resource Economics
✔ GEOG F101X Expedition Earth: Introduction to Geography
✔ HIST F100X Modern World History
✔ HIST F102X Western Civilization Since 1500
HIST F110X History of Alaska Natives from Contact to the Present
✔ HIST F122X East Asian Civilization
✔ HIST F132X History of the U.S.
✔ HUMS/JUST F125X Introduction to Addictive Processes
✔ JUST F110X Introduction to Justice
✔ JUST F251X Criminology
✔ PS F100X Political Economy
✔ PS F101X Introduction to American Government and Politics
✔ PS F201X Comparative Politics
✔ PS F221X International Politics
✔ PSY F101X Introduction to Psychology
✔ RD F200X Rural Development in the North
✔ SOC F101X Introduction to Sociology
✔ SOC F201X Social Problems and Solutions
✔ SWK F103X Introduction to Social Work
✔ WGS F201X Introduction to Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies