Key Initiatives
Knocking at the College Door: Projections of High School Graduates
Every four years, WICHE publishes detailed data and projections on high school graduate populations for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.Cost-savings Partnerships
WICHE partners with the Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC) to offer savings on institutional expenses such as cyber, health insurance, and information technology.Open Educational Resources
WICHE’s regional OER focus includes working with leaders, policymakers, higher education systems, institutions, and other organizations to scale the usage of high-quality open education resources. OER are openly licensed and freely accessible materials used for teaching, learning, and research.Technology & Partnerships for Transfer Success
WICHE is providing two-year grants to accredited colleges and universities who are partners because of shared transfer student flows, to develop and implement technological solutions that result improved transfer student outcomes and provide savings for students.WICHE State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement
The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) is a voluntary initiative designed to establish comparable standards for U.S. states and territories regulating postsecondary distance education.Together With Veterans
Together With Veterans (TWV) is a community-based suicide prevention program for rural Veterans. TWV involves partnering with rural Veterans and their communities to implement community-based suicide prevention.State Authorization Network
The State Authorization Network (SAN) is the leader for guidance and support for navigating state and federal regulatory compliance for out-of-state activities of postsecondary institutions.Every Learner Everywhere
Every Learner Everywhere is a network of partner organizations with expertise in evaluating, implementing, scaling, and measuring the efficacy of education technologies, curriculum and course design strategies, teaching practices, and support services that personalize instruction for students in blended and online learning environments.Healthcare Workforce
WICHE is analyzing data and evidence with stakeholders from across the West to focus on identifying scalable solutions for addressing the most pressing challenges to develop a robust healthcare workforce that meets current and future needs.
Past Initiatives
Tools to Assess Administrative Holds
WICHE examined the use of holds that restrict registration or official transcripts as a means to get college student action or payment, and providing tools to undertake change in its No Holding Back project.Interstate Passport®
Resources for researchers and practitioners interested in transfer and credit mobility based on 10 years of learning outcomes from the Interstate Passport Network.Native-Serving Institutions Initiative
With a three-year grant from Lumina Foundation, WICHE collaborated with two-year and four-year institutions designated as Native American Serving Non-Tribal Institutions by the U.S. Department of Education. The initiative cultivated a network of institutions serving large numbers of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) students to define common goals, metrics, and strategies to improve the retention, graduation, and credential attainment of Native students.Recognition of Learning
WICHE partnered with several organizations from 2018-20 to conduct a broad landscape analysis and original research related to the recognition of prior learning. Prior learning assessment (PLA) and credit for prior learning (CPL) are terms for the various methods that colleges, universities, and other education or training providers use to evaluate learning that has occurred outside of the traditional academic environment.Multistate Longitudinal Data Exchange
The MLDE is collaborative initiative led by WICHE that facilitates cross-state data sharing. This is one of several initiatives that are designed to fill significant gaps in what is known about education and employment outcomes. In doing so, students and their families, policymakers, and institutions will better understand what works and what doesn’t in everything from high school preparation to college completion to workforce development.