The Northwest Academic Forum is established with representatives from 11 member states, a membership organization for academic leaders at four-year institutions to exchange ideas and information, now known as the Western Academic Leadership Forum.
Category: Timeline Stories
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The Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) launches, allowing students to attend select out-of-state graduate certificate, master’s, and doctoral programs.
The WICHE Information Clearinghouse – later becoming the WICHE’s Policy Analysis and Research unit – begins collecting and publishing data, including high school graduate projections for the 50 states. The first high school graduate projections are published by WICHE, the National Institute of Independent Colleges and Universities, and the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association. This publication will later become known as Knocking at the College Door and is published approximately every four years to help stakeholders make prudent decisions related to higher education policy, institutional operations, and long-term planning.
Phillip Sirotkin is appointed the executive director of WICHE.
WICHE establishes the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS).
Robert Kroepsch is appointed the executive director of WICHE.
Hawai‘i and Nevada join WICHE.
Alaska, California, and Washington join WICHE.
Harold Enarson is appointed the executive director and the WICHE offices move to Boulder, Colorado.
WICHE’s focus expands to include training for mental health professionals and helping institutions grow their graduate nursing programs, forming the WICHE Behavioral Health Program.