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2020 Alliance Annual Webinars

Student Wellness: Meeting the Challenges of the Pandemic and Racial Injustice

June 25, 2020 Noon MDT

Campus mental and behavioral health needs are growing. How do we effectively meet the needs of students with limited resources in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic? How can we collaborate for solutions as racial injustices further impact students’ well-being? Colleagues will discuss campus programming and services, including the lessons learned from both successes and challenges supporting mental and behavioral health during these unprecedented times.

Introduction: Anna Galas, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)
Speakers: Charlene S. Gibson, College of Southern Nevada; Crystine Miller, Montana University System; Liza Tupa, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)

Charlene S. Gibson

College of Southern Nevada

Crystine Miller

Montana University System

Liza Tupa

Director of Education and Research, Behavioral Health Program



Higher Education and American Economic Mobility Amid COVID-19

June 3, 2020 1:00 MDT

For most people, gaining an education and thus improving one’s chances in the job market is the key to economic mobility. This is particularly pertinent at a time where up to 30 million Americans will be out of work and a significant number are likely to require new pathways back to good jobs, and when hundreds of colleges and universities will find themselves under significant fiscal and enrollment strain. Historically, progress depended on significant increases in high school completion and in more recent generations, in college completion. In today’s increasingly knowledge-based economy, broad-based increases in college completion are necessary. Learn about new strategies and models that have the potential to address the crises of college completion, affordability, employability and how to close America’s skills gap. 

Introduction: Anna Galas, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)
Speakers: Ryan Craig, University Ventures, Peter Quigley, University of Hawai’i, Manoa

Ryan Craig

University Ventures

Peter Quigley

University of Hawaii Community Colleges


Campus Zero: A Conversation with President Morrison of Lake Washington Institute of Technology

May 13, 2020 

This webinar follows up on a recent article, Campus Zero, in The Chronicle that featured Lake Washington Institute of Technology as the first campus at the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn from President Morrison’s experience on being “the first,” transitioning to technology-based teaching, supporting students and faculty with COVID-19, managing an evolving environment while planning for face-to-face instruction on campus, and what lies ahead as the institution looks beyond summer and fall.

Introduction: Anna Galas, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)
Speakers: Amy Morrison, Lake Washington Institute of Technology; Carli Schiffner, Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

Amy Morrison

Lake Washington Institute of Technology

Carli Schiffner

Alliance Executive Committee, Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

2020 Alliance Sponsors