
Western Academic Leadership Forum logoThe New World of Higher Education:
Challenges and Opportunities of COVID-19

As COVID-19 continues to impact campuses and states, the Forum and Alliance have decided, in the best interest of its members, to offer a virtual meeting series during the 20-21 academic year in lieu of hosting the Joint Annual Meeting face-to-face in New Mexico. With the theme of The New World of Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities of COVID-19, the six-part series will kick off on Friday, October 2nd with presentations and discussions offered by higher education experts, community members, and practitioners. Several of the webinars will include additional breakout sessions for members to convene and share best practices as it relates to the identified topics.


Smoothing the Bumps in the Road: How to Better Articulate Articulation
April 9, 2021
12:00 p.m. MTN

As higher education continues to navigate the negative impact COVID-19 is having on student enrollment, leaders must be aware that transfer students are also being significantly affected. Learn from national and state level experts about the latest transfer data and trends, what strategies states/institutions are implementing to better serve transfer students now and in the future, and how to improve transfer pathways to increase student success.

Moderator: Eric Leshinskie, Interim Provost, Maricopa Community Colleges

Panelists: Aisha Lowe, Vice Chancellor of Educational Services, California Community Colleges; Michelle Marks, Chancellor, University of Colorado Denver; Doug Shapiro, Executive Director, National Student Clearinghouse Research Center

Aisha Lowe

California Community Colleges

Michelle Marks

University of Colorado Denver

Doug Shapiro

National Student Clearinghouse Research Center

Supporting Rural Colleges through Collaborations
March 5, 2021
12:00 p.m. MTN

While all institutions of higher education have been impacted by and, in response, adapted to the pandemic, rural-serving institutions and their respective communities have faced particularly significant challenges during these times. Among other issues, this panel will address key issues that rural institutions have had to tackle during the COVID-19 pandemic including, but not limited to: health & safety protocols, staffing plans, enrollment challenges, student support services, internet connectivity required for remote delivery, trades/CTE instruction, and community relations. Please join us for a detailed discussion of these challenges, and strategies for tackling them in the spring and beyond.

Moderator: David Shintani, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, University of Nevada, Reno

Panelists: Margarett Campbell, Director of American Indian education/Tribal Liaison/Special Advisor to the Chancellor, Montana State University-Northern; Kyle Dalpe, Provost and Vice President of Finance, Western Nevada College; Sheila Martin, Vice President for Economic Development and Community Engagement, Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU)

Margarett Campbell

Montana State University-Northern

J. Kyle Dalpe

Western Nevada College

Sheila Martin

Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU)

Campus Wellness in the COVID Era: Practical Tips and Tools
February 5, 2021
12:00 p.m. MTN

Students, faculty, and staff continue to be impacted by COVID.  As the pandemic extends beyond 2020, the effect of “COVID fatigue” is taking its toll on mental wellness. Learn about the long-term impacts of an extended crisis on health and wellness, what challenges this creates for campuses, and what strategies and tools institutions are implementing to support students, faculty, and staff.

Moderator: Laura Woodworth-Ney, Executive Vice President and Provost, Idaho State University

Panelists: Rex Force, Vice President for Health Science and Senior Vice Provost, Idaho State University; André Le Duc, Chief Resilience Officer and Associate Vice President for Safety and Risk Services, University of Oregon; Liza Tupa, Director of Education and Research, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education

Rex Force

Idaho State University

André Le Duc

University of Oregon

Liza Tupa

Director of Education and Research, Behavioral Health Program



Weathering the COVID-19 Economic Superstorm
December 4, 2020
12:00 p.m. MTN

The pandemic and recession are forcing institutions to rethink current budgeting practices moving forward. With recent state funding cuts and the future restoration of state education appropriations and tuition revenue in decline, how are institutions responding and what are they doing to be more strategic during these times?

Moderator: Kaylyn Bondy, Vice President for Student Affairs, Bismarck State College

Panelists: Doug Jensen, President, Bismarck State College; Marc Johnson, Past President, University of Nevada, Reno; Michelle Rizk, Vice President of University Relations, University of Alaska System

Doug Jensen

Bismarck State College

Marc Johnson

University of Nevada, Reno

Michelle Rizk

University of Alaska

Focusing on Racial Justice to Close Equity Gaps in Oregon
November 13, 2020
12:00 p.m. MTN

Nationwide the pandemic has exacerbated persistent equity gaps in social infrastructure. The intersection with the current upheaval following the killing of George Floyd has exposed the fundamental role that racism plays in sustaining these inequities in all social systems including education.  Oregon’s Governor has established a Racial Justice Council to guide foundational policy reform to dismantle the structures of racism that sustain these disparities. In light of these events, panelists will engage in a discussion of the Oregon experience that spans state, higher education agency and institutional perspectives.

Moderators: Patrick Crane, Director, Office of Community Colleges & Workforce Development, Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission; Veronica Dujon, Director, Academic Planning and Policy, Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission

Panelists: Mark Mitsui, President, Portland Community College; Rudyane Rivera-Linstrom, Director for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission; Larry Roper, Professor Emeritus, Oregon State University

Mark Mitsui

Portland Community College

Rudyane Rivera-Lindstrom

Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission

Larry Roper

Oregon State University

Keeping an Eye on the Prize: Equity and Inclusion During COVID
November 6, 2020
12:00 p.m. MTN

Diversity, inclusion, and equity is a goal for leaders across higher education. This session explores how COVID-19 has created additional challenges for leaders as they strive to create more inclusive campuses.  Panelists will discuss how COVID-19 has impacted different groups with a focus on our indigenous communities. Breakout sessions will offer participants opportunities to share ideas for recruiting and retaining faculty of color and supporting their pathways to promotion, the use of institutional data in making decisions regarding equity and inclusion on campuses, and supporting faculty free speech in a time of social and political unrest and racial violence. This is an opportunity to learn from one another and our indigenous leaders in higher education.

Moderator: Debbie Storrs, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of North Dakota

Panelists: Cynthia Lindquist, President, Cankdeska Cikana Community College; Donald Warne, Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Director of the Indians Into Medicine (INMED), University of North Dakota; Sweeney Windchief, Associate Professor, Montana State University

Breakout Session Topics:

  • Looking at Equity in the Tenure Process – Speaker: Chalane Lechuga, Metropolitan State University of Denver; Moderator: Elizabeth Parmelee, Metropolitan State University of Denver
  • Examining Equity on Campus Through the Use of Data – Speaker: Angela Baldasare, Civitas Learning, Former Assistant Provost for Institutional Research at University of Arizona; Moderator: Gail Burd (invited), University of Arizona
  • Faculty Free Speech – Speaker: Jean Bannon, German, Burnette and Associates; Moderator: Landon Pirius, Colorado Community College System

Cynthia Lindquist

Cankdeska Cikana (Little Hoop) Community College

Donald Warne

University of North Dakota

Sweeney Windchief

Montana State University

Campus and Community Collaborating on COVID-19
October 2, 2020
12:00 p.m. MTN

The impact of COVID on higher education and the surrounding communities has yet to be fully realized. The speakers on this panel will discuss the challenges of navigating the intersection of science and policy during a pandemic and provide insights on moving forward in the COVID era.

Moderator: Brock Tessman, Deputy Commissioner, Academic, Research & Student Affairs, Montana University System

Panelists: Hilary Godwin, Dean of the University of Washington School of Public Health, University of Washington; Kathryn Hanley, Regents Professor, New Mexico State University; Joshua Wynne, Chief Health Strategist, State of North Dakota; Vice President for Health Affairs and Dean, University of North Dakota

Breakout Session Topics:

  • Faculty Engagement and Shared Governance within COVID – Moderator: Debbie Storrs, University of North Dakota
  • Mitigating COVID on Campuses – Moderator: Carli Schiffner, Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
  • Contact Tracing to Monitor Community Spread on College Campuses – Speaker: Trudy Larson, University of Nevada, Reno; Moderator: David Shintani, University of Nevada, Reno

Hilary Godwin

University of Washington

Kathryn Hanley

New Mexico State University

Joshua Wynne

University of North Dakota

Upcoming Virtual Meetings

  • February 5, 2021 – Preserving Campus Wellness in the COVID Era
  • March 5, 2021 – Supporting Rural Colleges through Collaborations
  • April 9, 2021 – Smoothing the Bumps in the Road: How to Better Articulate Articulation

Who May Participate?

Member representatives and select staff from the Western Academic Leadership Forum and Western Alliance of Community College Academic Leaders are invited to attend.

Questions? Contact Us!

Kay Hulstrom

Associate Director, Operations and Program Implementation, Programs and Services



Virtual Meeting Series Sponsors

Academic Search logo
College Board logo
WGU logo