Forum Academy Alumni
A Valuable Leadership Network
The Western Academic Leadership Forum (Forum) established the Western Academic Leadership Academy (Academy) to provide a unique professional development opportunity for talented individuals at member institutions interested in advancing to the chief academic leadership level. They also wanted to ensure that there would be a trained pool of individuals in the pipeline from which to draw candidates for temporary and permanent positions at member institutions, systems, and state agencies.
Academy alumni are encouraged to keep their titles and affiliations current by contacting Kay Hulstrom ( to make changes in their listing.
2023 Academy Cohort

2022 Academy Cohort
Jo Daugherty Bailey, Amber Donnelli, Christy Doyle, Erin Fouberg, Amy Juhala, Karie Kennedy, Barbara Kleinjan,
Britney Mower, Barbara Rodríguez, Brian Small, Lisa Snyder, Scott Snyder, Durward Sobek II, Hope Szypulski, Joe Thiel, Mari Volk
2021 Academy Cohort
Pam Carriveau, Fred Chilson, Jose Coll, Maren Haavig, Christian Hardigree, Jill Heaton, Bill Henry, Cindy Juntunen,
Todd Rosenstiel, Shaun Schafer, Gwen Sharp, David Shintani, Trevor Speller, Sarah Vandermark
2019 Academy Cohort
Jenn Capps, Lyle Castle, Tamela Eitle, Susan Kalina, Claudia Lampman, David Lehmpuhl, David McAvity, Janice Nerger,
Andrea Romero, Kris Roney, Alan Rosenfeld, Sarah Shannon, Tom Thornton, Joanne Tokle, Rossitza Wooster
2018 Academy Cohort

1st Row: Stacey Pearson, Karen Marrongelle, Shannon Campbell, Sona Andrews, Karen Moranski, Renny Christopher, Ginger Carney, Ali Carr-Chellman
2nd Row: David Hassenzahl, Tony Roark, Tammi Vacha-Haase, Michael Kruger, Lakshmi Reddi, Kevin Moore, Laura Woodworth-Ney
3rd Row: Sam Gingerich, Ranjit Koodali, Joshua Hagen, Carrie Vath, Marvin Lynn, Jeff Holm, Dan Howard, Scott Marshall