Behavioral Health Oversight Council
Founded in 1955, the mission of the WICHE Behavioral Health program is twofold: 1) to assist states in improving systems of care for behavioral health consumers and their families and 2) to advance the preparation of a qualified behavioral health workforce in the West. The program collaborates with states to meet the challenges of changing environments through regional research and evaluation, policy analysis, program development, technical assistance, and information sharing.
The Behavioral Health Oversight Council is the WICHE Behavioral Health Program’s advisory board. The Behavioral Health Oversight Council is composed of the chief state behavioral health official from each WICHE state and two representatives of the WICHE Commission.
The purpose of the Behavioral Health Oversight Council is to advise in establishing the programmatic and fiscal direction of the program; to provide active representation of the public behavioral health service system in the program’s formulation of its policies, objectives, and priorities; and to advocate for financial and participatory support of the program.
2025 Council Members
Tracy Dompeling, Alaska
Alisa Randall, Arizona
Reyna Saures, CNMI
Dannette Smith, Colorado
Benido Victor, FSM
Carissa Pangelinan, Guam
Gavin Takenaka, Hawai’i
Ross Edmunds, Idaho
Holden Nena, RMI
Rebecca de Camara, Montana
Nick Boukas, New Mexico
Cody Phinney, Nevada
Pam Sagness, North Dakota
Ebony Clarke, Oregon
Everlynn Temengil, Palau
Melanie Boetel, South Dakota
Pam Bennett, Utah
Teesha Kirschbaum, Washington
Ragen Latham, Wyoming