
The WICHE Commission

The WICHE Commission oversees the development of WICHE programs and assures that the Western Regional Educational Compact is carried out for the benefit of the residents of the West. WICHE’s 48 commissioners are appointed by the governors of the 15 Western states and the U.S. Pacific Territories and Freely Associated States. The commissioners are leaders in higher education and include state higher education executive officers, college and university presidents, legislators, business and community leaders, and other key partners. In accordance with the organization’s bylaws, the WICHE Commission has three primary responsibilities:

  • Fiduciary duty, including oversight of the organization’s finances
  • Provide strategic direction for the organization through approval of WICHE’s annual Workplan
  • Select and evaluate the WICHE president

The commission also appoints members of the WICHE Legislative Advisory Committee which, though not technically a formal commission committee, is composed of WICHE-region legislators as well as several commissioners.

Upcoming WICHE Commission Meetings

May 5–6: Utah
November 13–14: Colorado
May 18–19: Washington
November 5-6: Colorado
May 3–4: New Mexico
November 4–5: Colorado
May 8–9: Alaska
November 9–10: Colorado
May 7–8: Wyoming
November 8–9: Colorado
May 6–7: Idaho
November 7–8: Colorado

View Previous Meeting Agenda Books

WICHE Commissioners

*Executive Committee Member


* Tom Begich

Executive Director, Nick Begich Scholarship Intern Fund

Pearl Brower

President and CEO, Ukpeagvik Iñupiat Corporation

Sean Parnell

Chancellor, University of Alaska Anchorage


* Kathleen Goeppinger

President/CEO, Midwestern University

Todd Haynie

President, Eastern Arizona College

Chad Sampson

Executive Director, Arizona Board of Regents


Ellen Junn

President Emerita, California State University, Stanislaus

* Robert Shireman

Director of Higher Education Excellence and Senior Fellow, The Century Foundation


Jim Chavez

Executive Director, Community College of Denver Foundation and Governmental Affairs

* Antwan Jefferson

WICHE Immediate Past Chair, Associate Dean and an Associate Teaching Professor, University of Colorado Denver

Angie Paccione

Executive Director, Colorado Department of Higher Education


Terrence George

President and CEO, Harold K. L. Castle Foundation

* David Lassner

President Emeritus, University of Hawai'i

Colleen Sathre

Vice President Emerita, University of Hawai'i


Rick Aman

Retired President, College of Eastern Idaho

* Matt Freeman

Executive Director of Relations, Albion Center for Professional Development, Idaho State University

Joshua Whitworth

Executive Director, Office of State Board of Education


Maryrose Beasley

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Homestead Veterinary Clinic

* Clayton Christian

Commissioner of Higher Education, Montana University System

Llew Jones

Representative, Montana State Legislature


Catherine (Cathy) Dinauer

Executive Director, Nevada State Board of Nursing

Dale Erquiaga

Retired Acting Chancellor, Nevada System of Higher Education

* Fred Lokken

Professor, Truckee Meadows Community College


* Barbara Damron

WICHE Chair, Professor, College of Nursing and School of Medicine, Senior Advisor to the Director of Project ECHO, University of New Mexico

Bill Soules

Senator, New Mexico State Legislature

Patricia Sullivan

Associate Dean, College of Engineering, New Mexico State University


Danita Bye

Board Member, North Dakota State Board of Higher Education

* Kyle Davison

Senator, North Dakota Legislature

Mark Hagerott

Chancellor, North Dakota University System


* Ben Cannon

Executive Director, Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission

Hilda Rosselli

Educational Policy Consultant

Lisa Skari

President, Mt. Hood Community College


Nathan Lukkes

Executive Director and CEO, South Dakota Board of Regents

* Larry Tidemann

Retired, South Dakota Legislature

Ashley Wenger-Slaba

Senior Vice President of Employee Experience, Education & Workforce Relations, Sanford Health


* Frankie Eliptico

Representing CNMI, Vice President, Administration and Advancement, Northern Marianas College

Rodney Jacob

Representing Guam, Attorney, Partner, Calvo Fisher & Jacob LLP

Kalani Kaneko

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Senator, Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands


Patricia Jones

CEO, Women's Leadership Institute

Geoffrey Landward

Commissioner of Higher Education, Utah System of Higher Education

* Ann Millner

WICHE Vice Chair, Senator, Utah State Legislature


John Carmichael

President, Evergreen State College

* Michael Meotti

Executive Director, Washington Student Achievement Council

Gerry Pollet

Representative, Washington State Legislature


* Fred Baldwin

Physician Associate

Joseph Schaffer

President, Laramie County Community College

Mike Smith

Vice President for Government Affairs and Community Engagement, University of Wyoming

Full agendas for the WICHE Commission biannual meetings and related committee materials:

For more information, please contact:

Laura Ewing

Executive Assistant to the President and to the Commission

