
News Release

WICHE elects new officers for 2019-20

Camille Preus, of Oregon, named chair; Susan Anderson, of Alaska, named vice chair; Ray Holmberg, of North Dakota, to serve as immediate past chair Camille Preus, executive director of the Oregon Community College Association (OCCA), has been elected as...

News Release

Jessica Rowland Williams named director of Every Learner Everywhere

BOULDER, Colo. – Jessica Rowland Williams has been named director of Every Learner Everywhere (Every Learner), a network of 12 partners strengthening digital learning in postsecondary institutions. WCET (WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies) serves as the intermediary for Every Learner Everywhere....

News Release

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology joins groundbreaking college transfer network

BOULDER, Colo. – The Chicago School of Professional Psychology (TCSPP) becomes the first institution in Illinois to join the Interstate Passport Network (IPN), a nationwide network of two- and four-year colleges and universities that allows students to transfer lower-division...

News Release

Postsecondary, legislative, and other leaders attend the Western Interstate Commission’s semi-annual meeting in Bismarck

North Dakota State Sen. Ray Holmberg, chair of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), convened the interstate agency’s semi-annual meeting on May 20-21 at Bismarck State College. One of four regional higher education compacts in the U.S.,...

News Release

Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education appoints seven new commissioners

Seven new commissioners were recently appointed to the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), a federal interstate compact of 16 Western state and territorial members that work collaboratively to expand educational access and excellence for all citizens of...

News Release

Russ Poulin will lead WCET as new WICHE VP of technology-enhanced education

The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) today appointed Russ Poulin vice president of technology-enhanced education for WICHE and executive director of WCET (the WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies), WICHE President Demarée Michelau announced at the agency’s biannual...

News Release

Univ. of Idaho program wins 2019 Colleagues’ Choice award at Forum meeting

A faculty-productivity reporting tool developed at the University of Idaho was honored by the Western Academic Leadership Forum (the Forum) Thursday at the group’s annual meeting in Boulder, Colo.

News Release

Williston State College program wins WICHE Bernice Joseph Award

An innovative first-term advising program at Williston State College in North Dakota was honored by the Western Alliance of Community College Academic Leaders (the Alliance) at its annual meeting last Thursday in Salt Lake City.

News Release

Behavioral Health VP Mohatt honored for community psychology contributions by APA division

Dennis Mohatt, WICHE vice president for behavioral health, was nominated and selected for the 2019 Distinguished Contributions to Practice in Community Psychology Award by the Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA), American Psychological Association Division 27 representing the field of community psychology....

News Release

WICHE awarded $900,000 for initiative exploring recognition of learning

This WICHE effort, launched in 12/18, incorporates a landscape analysis of postsecondary education recognition of learning policy and practice, and an evaluation of primary learning assessment methods and their impact on student and workforce outcomes.

News Release

Five new commissioners appointed to WICHE

Five new commissioners were recently appointed to the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), a federal interstate compact of 16 Western states and territories that work collaboratively to expand educational access and excellence for all citizens of the...

News Release

Western students saved $417+ million through WICHE tuition-savings programs in 2018-19

America’s largest interstate higher education tuition-savings programs set records in 2018-19 for students enrolled and dollars saved.

For more information, contact:

Melanie Sidwell

Vice President, Communications

