
News Release

Montana higher-ed chief named chair of WICHE

Montana Commissioner of Higher Education Clayton Christian was elected Nov. 10 as new chair of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE).

News Release

Portland State University Receives 2017 Academic Leaders Toolkit Award at the Western Academic Leadership Forum Annual Meeting

The Western Academic Leadership Forum (the Forum) presented the 2017 Academic Leaders Tool of the Year Award to Portland State University for its Desk Manuals Tool on Thursday, April 27, in Salt Lake City, Utah.

News Release

University of Hawaii Community Colleges Receives 2017 Inaugural Bernice Joseph Award at Annual Meeting

The Western Alliance of Community College Academic Leaders (the Alliance) presented the 2017 Bernice Joseph Award to the University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges for its Sector Mapping Tool on Thursday, March 23, in Long Beach, Calif.

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