
Media Mentions

Colleges are making tuition free for Native students. Will more students graduate?

Molly Hall-Martin, a citizen of the Lower Brule Sioux tribe and the director of W-SARA, speaks to NPR about a growing number of schools to make tuition free for Native students. Original source

Media Mentions

The Shrinking of Higher Ed

Patrick Lane, WICHE vice president of policy analysis and research, speaks to the Chronicle of Higher Education about declining birth rates, the K-12 pipeline, and enrollment trends. Original source

Media Mentions

Vice Speaker Tina Rose Muña Barnes Fills In for Tony Talks

Guam radio station K57 hosts guests Dennis Mohatt, WICHE vice president of behavioral health, and WICHE Commissioner Rodney Jacob to speak about WICHE's efforts in the Pacific Island region, including the tuition savings programs and psychology internships. Original source.

Media Mentions

The Promise of a Transfer ‘Passport’

The Chronicle of Higher Education highlights WICHE's Interstate Passport® program, an innovative effort to smooth the transfer of credits for college students. Original source.

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