POCONO RECORD article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
CBS News story referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
THE LIMA NEWS article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
SOUTH CAROLINA DAILY GAZETTE article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
This CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION article references a cost price study and explores how virtual courses used to be the exception, but now, they’re an expectation.
THE DAILY EGYPTIAN article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
THE COLLEGIAN article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
ASU News article referencing the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE).
THE WASHINGTON TIMES article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
This article, from Higher Ed Dive, references the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections. Original Source
This article, from Marianas Variety, references WICHE Commissioner Frankie M. Eliptico, and his involvement in improving student technology at the Northern Marianas College in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). Original Source
NEWSWEEK article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.