
Since 2023, American Samoa has partnered with and benefited from WICHE through regional collaboration, resource-sharing, sound public policy, and innovation.


Download the factsheet for American Samoa here.

American Samoa passed the necessary legislation to join WICHE’s Pacific Islands membership effective December 6, 2023. Learn more about American Samoa joining WICHE here.


WICHE’s Student Access Programs

WICHE operates three Student Access Programs that together saved students $613 million in 2023-24. Each program supports students at each level of postsecondary education: undergraduate, graduate, and professional healthcare studies.

  • Students gain from increased choice and savings.
  • Schools gain by optimizing enrollments.
  • States and Pacific Island members gain by growing the skills of those they serve and strengthening their workforce.

Improving Lives in American Samoa

WICHE works collaboratively to expand educational access and excellence for all residents of the West. By promoting innovation, cooperation, resource sharing, and sound public policy, WICHE strengthens higher education’s contributions to the region’s social, economic, and civic life. Learn more about our mission.

The Pacific Islands membership is thanks in part to substantial collaboration and leadership, as well as a grant from the U.S. Department of Interior, Office of Insular Affairs, which was renewed for a second consecutive year in 2022 to cover WICHE’s annual dues. With the addition of American Samoa in 2023, WICHE now includes all eligible states, territories, and freely associated states in the West.

WICHE brings together senior academic leaders to foster dialogue about issues facing individual institutions through its leadership and professional development networks.



WESTERN ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP ACADEMY is a yearlong professional development program for academic leaders aspiring to become chief academic officers in the WICHE region.

NO HOLDING BACK In 2022-23, 12 WICHE institutions analyzed data, policies, and practices to make improvements to how it used holds on registration or transcripts, and
contributed to the development of tools for other institutions to undertake this work.

Knocking at the College Door is the leading U.S. resource for projections of college-ready students. Knocking, which includes a quadrennial publication with additional analysis, is essential for postsecondary policymakers, planning and workforce efforts, and economic development.

WICHE offers curated data and policy resources to support better-informed decision-making:

WICHE continues to advocate for considering the unique challenges faced by the Pacific Islands and the need for incorporating their data in federal collections and analysis.

WICHE Commissioners

* Frankie Eliptico

Representing CNMI, Vice President, Administration and Advancement, Northern Marianas College

Rodney Jacob

Representing Guam, Attorney, Partner, Calvo Fisher & Jacob LLP

Kalani Kaneko

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Senator, Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands

Legislative Advisory Committee

Manny Gregory Castro

Representative, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Kalani Kaneko

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Senator, Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands

Tina Rose Muña Barnes

Senator, Guam Legislature

Amanda Shelton

Senator, Guam Legislature