
Virtual Meeting Series

Looking to the Future: New Directions in Higher Education

Grant Opportunity from the Office on Violence Against Women

November 16, 2022 1:00-2:00 P.M. MTN

We are joined by María Cristina Pacheco Alcalá Grant Management Specialist from the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice to discuss two grant opportunities opening in late November. Both grants aim to provide resources to reduce domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking on campus. This webinar will share the work that has come out of this grant as well as recommendations and guidelines for any institutions interested in applying for these grants.

WCET, WICHE Forum, + WICHE Alliance Fireside Chat: Educational Innovations that have Transcended the Pandemic

July 12, 2022 01:00 PM MTN

Goldie Blumenstyk, a senior writer with the Chronicle of Higher Education, will lead a fireside chat with members of WCET and WICHE’s Forum and Alliance members in July. Goldie will give a brief presentation on recent innovations in higher education that have lasted through the pandemic and discuss what these means for:

  •  Broader changes across colleges and universities.
  •  Technology adoption and support.
  •  Student expectations.
  •  Faculty and staff expectations and their evolving roles.

Following the overview, small groups will explore trends and innovations at their institutions and why they have stuck.

Academic Program Management and Campus Finance

May 26, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. MTN

A virtual meeting focused on how Academic Affairs and Finance work together to support and manage academic programs, including program prioritization processes, budgeting for program growth, funding program startups, and program management/closures.

Speaker: Bronté Burleigh-Jones, Chief Financial Officer from American University.

Host: Laura Woodworth-Ney, Academy Program and Mentoring Coordinator.

No Holding Back: Administrative Holds Policies and Practices
May 18, 2022
12:00 p.m. MTN

It can be difficult to get the attention of a college student. Professors can always connect with students in class. However, advisors and administrators have few means to command attention, especially if calling, texting, emailing or using the postal service aren’t successful. The ability to use holds to prompt a student to take an action is one of the few resources in an institution’s toolkit. Recent research reveals the ubiquity of this practice, but also the limitations. Members of WICHE’s Western Academic Leadership Forum (WALF) and Western Alliance of Community College Academic Leaders (WACCAL) are invited to attend a one hour webinar to hear about the latest research on administrative holds policies and practices at the state, system, and institution-level from panelists from the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO), Education Commission of the States (ECS), Ithaka S+R, and National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO).

Moderator: Sarah Leibrandt, Director of Academic Leadership Initiatives, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)

Panelists: Mary Fulton, Senior Policy Analyst, ECS; Wendy Kilgore, Director of Research, AACRAO; Bryan Dickson, Director of Student Financial Services and Educational Programs, NACUBO; James Ward, Ithaka S+R 

Institutional Course-Sharing: How Three States are Increasing Student Degree Completion
January 19, 2022
1:00 p.m. MTN

The pandemic has amplified the need for institutions to work together to increase student success and degree completion. Join us to hear from officers at California Virtual Campus, Idaho State Board of Education, and Montana University System regarding their state institutional course-sharing efforts to increase access, improve retention, and aid students to complete their degrees on time.

Moderator: Brock Tessman, Deputy Commissioner, Academic & Student Affairs, Montana University System

Panelists: Jay Field, Senior Vice President for Institutional Partnerships, Quottly; Jory Hadsell, Executive Director, California Virtual Campus; Jonathan Lashley, Associate Chief Academic Officer, Idaho State Board of Education; Joe Thiel, Director of Academic Policy and Research, Montana University System

Virtual Meeting Series Sponsors