The Online Course Exchange increases access for students utilizing your institutional resources more effectively. The OCE Catalog lists online courses with seats available for use by other member institutions.
Online Course Exchange
Aiding Access to Quality Curricula
The Online Course Exchange (OCE) helps higher education systems and consortia share courses, through the Exchange’s online platform, with peer member institutions and the students they serve. In doing so, it expands student access to high-quality curricula and enables teaching and learning at a scale convenient for institutions, and less feasible within a single institution.
Conceived and designed by educators, the Exchange’s flexible design supports various institutional goals and business models—from state systems sharing courses across geographically dispersed institutions, to discipline-specific exchanges across schools in multiple states. Download an overview of the Online Course Exchange.

The Exchange provides more than two dozen institutions (in consortia such as the Nursing Education Exchange (NeXus) and New Mexico Sun Online the training and the data transfer, course-catalog, and financial-transaction services colleges and universities need to quickly mobilize this platform to their advantage. It exemplifies WICHE’s ability to identify needs and efficiencies across the higher education landscape and incubate programs that serve emerging higher education needs across the West.

NEXus is a consortium of institutions that offer online doctoral programs in Nursing that provide opportunities for and encourage students to take courses from other member institutions to further enrich their educational experiences.
SUN Online is a statewide course-sharing system that provides greater access to quality online courses and programs across the state for New Mexico students from participating college and universities.